warm not cold (wnc)

text-to-speech (ooo)

The Hardline According to Danny and the Dinosaur (***)

The Economics of a Life in the Arts (*`..)

Free Money ($$$)

flash animations ((( )))

PiT Variety Compilation (~~~)

The Powerlines Are Down (for car audio)

melting igloo (###)

untitled sound event (/\ /\)

performance (;>))

Erie Electric show (ee)

single channel video (vv)

Project Still

Text to Speeeeeech

This is a series of “songs“ using the Macintosh text reader to play in the area between spoken word poetry and beat programming.

Selections from the text-to-speech series are included in SoundLAB Edition IV “memoryscapes“ which launched online in October, 2006. The memoryscapes program is included in the Festival Arte Digital Rosario, Argentina (November 16-18, 2006), PI - Performance & Intermedia Festival, OFFICYNA, Szczecin, Poland (October 20 - 22, 2006). and The Casoria International Contemporary Art Museum, Casoria, Italy (December 16, 2006 - January 16, 2007).

“The Wind is in the Trees“ (text-to-speech spoken word piece) is featured on: r4wd10pl4y84ck800m80x0r (aka Radio Play Back Boom Boxor) online project and was included in broadcast the Distribution Religion Exhibition at The Art Gallery of Knoxville, Knoxville, TN on January 5, 2007.

view project

Warm Not Cold is a blog and performance project which ran from January through June, 2006. Video, Flash clips, writing, performance and social noise.